The Most Recent Egalitarian Entrepreneur Posts

Monday, July 25, 2005

Interlude and Transition #3

It has been a good ride, and I've learned so many things in the year I've been running TransformTec. But I recently decided I couldn't continue to self-fund my company and I needed to "get a real job"..... So I set my resume up on the internet job boards, explored interesting opportunities hither and thither, and decided to accept a position in product planning and management with a UK-headquartered company focused on digital television technology. Check out Pace Micro Technology PLC - I recently started working in the Americas division, based in Boca Raton, Florida...... Perhaps the biggest single thing I learned during my year as an entrepreneur is about customers - without customers, a company cannot survive. My first major professional transition was from Boston to Silicon Valley. My second major professional transition was from the corporate world to the entrepreneurial world. Now, this third major professional transition is from the entrepreneurial world back into the corporate world - a little older, a little grayer, a little balder, a little humbler, a little more forgiving of others, and yes, maybe a little wiser. In the past year I learned about founding a company, accounting and financing for small businesses, motivating colleagues on a shoe-string budget, business development, marketing, public relations, and last but certainly not least, the importance of customer acquisition and deal-making. I will combine these newly acquired skills and experiences with my existing technical skills and experiences, and forge ahead. Moving from engineering into marketing..... moving from Silicon Valley to South Florida. The California Adventure is coming to a close, and the Florida Adventure is about to begin..... and my wife, our three kids and I enter it with relish, with gusto, and with eyes wide open. Its great starting afresh, my new colleagues are bright and team players, the company has lots of momentum right now, and I plan to be a major contributor to its continued success. Onward and upward, no looking back! The interlude is closing, the transition will soon be complete, as we slipstream into the next level in this game of life.....